

26 Gloucester Road
Reading RG30 2TH
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Sort Code: 20-71-03 Account number: 10098132

Invoice Number INV-0106
Invoice Date 26th August 2020
Due Date 3rd September 2020
Total Due £0.00
Jason Coale

128 Elgar Road, Reading, RG2 0BN

Mybuilder, Kitchen refurbishment, 07939 099 644, Ilaria Grifa,

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceVATSub Total
1 Floor tilling

Removal of the existing flooring, preparation for tiling, lining tiles, grouting
Adding the skirtings made of the tiles

1 Kitchen furniture

Securing gas, water feeds and electricity.
Dismantle existing kitchen and disposal to the skip including appliances if not stated differently.
Installing new kitchen with appliances
Additional curved corners

1 Painting

Walls and ceiling
Additional doors and frames

1 Gas

Labour and certificate

1 Electric

Labour + certificate
3 sockets
Underfloor heating

1 Materials


1 Skip


4.5 Splashback

Tiling labour per square metre

1 Ventilation

Installation of the grill above kooker

1 Savage pipe

Digging out around the broken pipe reconnect new pipe to existing installation

1 Labour

Two people digging and filling the trench on the front door and surodings.

Sub Total £7,445.00
VAT £1,017.50
Discount -£750.00
Paid -£7,712.50
Total Due £0.00

Marmic Team Ltd
Account No. 10098132
Sort Code. 20-71-03